
View java version

To do this, we have to open the Windows terminal, to do this, we open the windows search engine and type "cmd" and open the command prompt.

Once we are in the terminal, we have to execute the following command

java --version

If the released version is higher than 17.0 you don't have to do anything, but if it is lower, you will have to install Java 17 from the Oracle web site

Downloading server.jar

To download the server.jar we have to go to the jarlist and download the latest version of Paper, then we create a folder with any name and leave the server.jar inside.

In that same folder, create a notepad text file, then open it and paste this text

java -Xmx4G -jar server.jar

Then, in the notepad, click on "File" and then "Save as" and save it in the same folder where the document is but with the name "Start.bat".

Important! Make sure that the file ends in .bat and not in .txt!, all rights reserved | 2023 copyright ©

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